

Welcome to this Meadow Called Grace!

I am a life long learner. I have always been passionate about learning God’s word. When I was little, I loved my first Bible and for as long as I can remember, reading my Bible daily has been an integral part of my walk with Christ. As I grew older, I began studying His word, digging deeper for truths. Now as an adult, I understand the importance of having God’s word written on my heart and believe His word’s transformative power is the only way we can truly change.

I am a teacher. I became a high school teacher to share my passion for the subject I teach. I love to explain the material, to show to my students connections, and to build their confidence in the material. But more than that, I love teaching my students how to learn. It is a privilege to play a role in growing their passion for the subject.

 I am a follower of Christ. I am convinced that we are designed to be in relationship with Jesus and want others to know the hope we have in Him. We are called to connect others with Jesus and to encourage one another in the faith. I am not a theologian; nor am I a biblical scholar, but I have learned many lessons and truths about God in my thirty years as a Christian. I hope by sharing them here that I can teach others about Jesus and help others learn to dig deep into God’s word and access all of His truth and its transformative power for themselves. My prayer is that in this space, I can come come alongside women and encourage them in their faith, no matter where they are in their walk with Jesus. That they will find a kindred spirit, a friend, a sister in Christ.