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My name is Stephanie and I am a wife, mother, and devoted follower of Jesus. This space is to share my experiences in the hope you find encouragement !



I’ve always cited the book of Hebrews as one of my favorites because it contains one of my life verses: “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1). A few years ago, it dawned on me that I had never really read the whole book, so I began reading through Hebrews, journaling my thoughts along the way. Life got a little busy and I stopped about halfway through. I was going through my quiet time journal and saw my written meditations on the verses. I decided that I wanted to finish reading through it.

I want to invite you to read along with me!

Knowing key verses from a passage is not a bad thing, but there is value in knowing how that verse fits into its larger passage. And going a step further, we see the big picture when we look at how all the passages work together to form the entire letter. And, we should always consider Scripture against other books/verses in the Bible.

Each week, we will read through a selection of verses. My prayer for you is that you take time to read and meditate on these verses. Maybe consider journaling your thoughts as well. Each Friday, I will post some thoughts and I hope you will share yours as well.

If you are reading along, here are the verses (1)

The corresponding post is Consider Jesus.

The corresponding post is Consider Jesus.

The corresponding posts are Anchored and The Humble King

The corresponding posts are Anchored and The Humble King

The corresponding post is The Father’s House.

The corresponding post is The Father’s House.


(1) The curation of verses I’m using is from the SheReadsTruth Bible (2017).

Consider Jesus

Consider Jesus

Set Apart & Devoted

Set Apart & Devoted