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My name is Stephanie and I am a wife, mother, and devoted follower of Jesus. This space is to share my experiences in the hope you find encouragement !

Sweeter than honey

Sweeter than honey

7 The instructions of the Lord are perfect,
reviving the soul.
The decrees of the Lord are trustworthy,
making wise the simple.
8 The commandments of the Lord are right,
bringing joy to the heart.
The commands of the Lord are clear,
giving insight for living.
9 Reverence for the Lord is pure,
lasting forever.
The laws of the Lord are true;
each one is fair.
10 They are more desirable than gold,
even the finest gold.
They are sweeter than honey,
even honey dripping from the comb.
— Psalm 19:7-10

The word bible comes from the Greek word for “books” meaning the collection of the various books of Scripture.   But the Bible is so much more than a collection of words on a page.  The words we read were God-breathed—divinely inspired—when they were written.   We have access to the very words of God Himself in Scripture.  The Bible is not just an historical account, or a book of wisdom, or a written religious doctrine, or a book of philosophy.  It was God himself who wrote those words, revealing to us His character, telling us of His love for us, showing us His redemptive plan through Jesus Christ, and teaching us to live holy lives.

When you wonder at that, you realize just how valuable Scripture is: a true treasure, “more desirable than gold.”  Psalm 19:7-10, just one of the many passages that tell us of the value of Scripture, states that the word of God is perfect, trustworthy, right, clear, pure, true, fair, more desirable than even the finest gold, and sweeter than honey.

 What role does Scripture play in the life of the believer? 

God reveals His character to us through Scripture.  God wants to be in relationship with us.  He knows us intimately and he wants us to know Him intimately.  Where better to go to learn about our Heavenly Father than His own word?  We can’t know our Heavenly Father if we do not know His word.  Too often, as believers, we have preconceived notions or even misconceptions about God’s character.  We then base our faith on these false assumptions.  But by going to this trustworthy source, we will learn the true nature of God.  John 1:1 says “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”  The Word is Jesus and according to Matthew Henry’s Bible commentary “the plainest reason why the Son of God is called the Word, seems to be, that as our words explain our minds to others, so was the Son of God sent in order to reveal his Father’s mind to the world.”  Hebrews 1:3 further tells us that “the Son radiates God’s own glory and expresses the very character of God.”  So we learn about God through Jesus, the Word, whose words are recorded for us in Scripture. 

Our faith life is based on our relationship with Jesus.  He is our Lord, our Redeemer, and our Friend.  Furthermore, we are adopted son and daughters of our Heavenly Father.  It is only natural based on those relationships that we are obedient to God.  Jesus says “if you love me you will keep my commands” (John 14:15).  This is repeated again in 1 John 2:3:  “we know that we have come to know Him if we obey His commands.”  So how can we do that if we are not in His word?  By learning His word, we learn His heart, His desires, and His commands.  

But, Jesus did not come to give us a new set of rules to live by.  He redeemed us from a life enslaved to the Law.  Jesus came to change our hearts.  But He can only do that if we allow His word to permeate into the deepest recesses of our heart.  Hebrews 4:12 says that “the Word is sharper than a two-edged sword, discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”  It is through His word that the Holy Spirit transforms us.  It is through this very work of the Holy Spirit that we are even able to be obedient and live a holy life—a changed life because of Jesus.

This is why the Bible says all scripture is “profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16).  God has called us to be holy and He instructs us on how to do this through His word.  We go to the word for wisdom and instructions on right living.  Psalm 19 says we get insight from living from God’s commands and that it makes wise the simple. Jesus came so we will live our best life here on Earth (John 10:10). His commandments and standards are not mean to limit us or burden us, but bring us freedom and joy.  The Bible promises that if we keep His commands, we will prosper and we will reap a harvest.

So, we read His word and store Scripture in our heart. The Bible tells us “to guard your heart above all else” and I think this is why God commands us to write Scripture on our hearts—not only does it change us, it protects us.  The Bible refers to it as the Sword of the Spirit, our weapon against the enemy.

Looking back at the passage in Psalm 19 we see that the “instructions of the Lord are perfect, reviving the soul.”  When we are weary, afraid, parched, sick, or disheartened, the Word of the Lord revives our soul.  It brings joy to our heart.  It is a balm the has the power to bring life to your soul, and to your world.

Reading the word of God is not just a priority—it is necessary for living.  It should be as natural as breathing, drinking, and eating.  It is vital for the life of the believer.  Jesus came that we might have life and life abundant.  Do not short change yourself on all that God wants to bless you with by not being in His word

So that you might grow

So that you might grow

Day and Night

Day and Night